Population density 14,342 people per square mile
Number of schools 16
Cost of living index 161
Life expectancy 80 years
Livability score 80 extremely livable
Median Age: 41
Overall Safety Rank 13
General Information

The northernmost border of the entire New York City, Riverdale covers the area of three miles. Since rentals are quite low in this residential neighborhood, families with kids can move here and rent even a three-bedroom place without paying too much. But low rental prices also attract young professionals. Since the neighborhood doesn’t have sufficient nightlife options, young people usually head to Manhattan to have some fun. By the way, the residents say that Riverdale is quite a safe place, sometimes even safer than popular Manhattan neighborhoods. That’s why its rental prices are quite expensive for the Bronx.
Riverdale has a privately owned area Fieldston, the neighborhood’s wealthiest section with green streets, parkways, and beautiful houses. That’s why you will see sop many strollers in the streets. Riverdale is home to the 1146-acre Van Cortlandt Park that is New York City’s third largest park. Moreover, it’s almost twice the size of Central Park. Its oak forests hide the oldest house in the Bronx and the borough’s biggest lake.
Going Out
The nightlife here isn’t rich in this thriving residential neighborhood, but there are some nice restaurants and bars to go to on a Saturday night. Moving to Riverdale, visit one of the following restaurants: Liebman’s Kosher Delicatessen, Salvatores of Soho, Luke’s Lobster Mobile Lobster Roll Food Truck, Tin Marin, Trattoria Zero Otto Nove, Estrellita Poblana, Jake’s Steakhouse, and Bronx Alehouse. Besides, Riverdale has more than a dozen bakeries.
Rental Market
The housing stock varies a lot: small houses and mansions in Fieldston, as well as high- and low-rises in other parts of Riverdale. The median sale price is only $289,000. A one-bedroom apartment in a condo or co-op can cost you from $1,700 per month. There really few listings with Studios but their rentals vary from $1,400 to $1,700. Listing prices with two-bedroom apartments rise from $2,400.
The only subway that goes here is the No. 1 train. Moving to Riverdale, the subway ride to Midtown will take about 45 minutes.