How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean

How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Moving to a new home can be a daunting task, especially in a bustling city like New York. One of the most significant challenges is finding a reliable and affordable moving service. With so many options available, the cost of hiring movers in NYC can vary greatly. This article will help you understand the factors that influence the cost and provide tips on how to find the best deal.

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The kitchen is the heart of every home in the world. That’s why we usually want to keep this special place spick-and-span, but it always seems quite a difficult task to perform. If only we neglect our kitchen for a week or two, it will be an awful mess. How to keep your kitchen clean? Look at out tips below.

How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean
Photo credit: via Hollywood Thing / CC BY-ND

How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean While Cooking

It’s a good tradition to cook dinner for your family or friends. But it’s not always an easy task at the end of a long working day. So, you’ve finished cooking and see how much mess there is to be cleaned up. How can you keep your kitchen clean while cooking? Have a look at the tips below.

  • Start cooking in a clean kitchen. That’s why we’d suggest you to clean the kitchen a bit before you begin to prep the food.
  • Empty the dishwasher before you begin, so that you could put some used dishes into it while cooking.
  • Pick the right place to cook the meal. Would it make sense to slice and dice everything next to the sink?
  • It’s a good idea to cover the countertop with butcher paper or parchment paper while cooking. You can simply remove the coverage, so the cleanup will be much easier. If you don’t use any cover-ups, clean the worktop thoroughly, especially when it has been touched by meat or fish.
  • When you’re peeling, chopping and slicing fruit and vegetables, the mess will quickly pile up. Use a large bowl to throw all the garbage while cooking. It will be easier to throw all the eggshells and other garbage to the dustbin when the meal is already cooked.
  • If something has been spilled, clean the mess right away or the spill ups will get sticky pretty soon.
  • Don’t use excessive dishes and utensils.
  • As soon as something can be left on the stove for a minute or two, clean something during the time. Clean-as-you-go is one of the most important things you can do to keep your kitchen clean while cooking.
  • Another good advice here is to cook simpler meals. Some people even avoid recipes with 10 or more ingredients.

Other Useful Tips

How To Keep Your Kitchen Clean
Photo credit: Fazimoto via Remodel Blog / CC BY

If you want to know how to keep your kitchen clean, here are some tips to use:

  • Most coffee or juice stains can be removed with the help of a little hydrogen peroxide in water.
  • Have a habit of having a new sponge every week or two. Clean sponges will save you from germs and bacteria. A recent study has shown that three out of four kitchen sponges have potentially dangerous bacteria.
  • Quickly wipe down the counters, kitchen table, and stove top of spills and crumbs.
  • Wash and wipe down the sink of any grease.
  • Wash the drawers of your refrigerator using hot water, a sponge, and soap.
  • Sweep and mop the kitchen floors on a regular basis, so that there would be no grease or debris.
  • It’s better to use plastic cutting boards instead of the wood ones. The latter tend to breed bacteria with time. Plastic boards can be washed at a high temperature in a dishwasher.
  • They say a box of soda in your fridge can absorb the smells.
  • Baking soda with water is a good mix to use as a homemade cleaner for your floors. You’re going to need half a cup of baking soda and two gallons of water.
  • White vinegar will make your wooden floors shine brand new. Get nine parts of warm water and one part of white vinegar.
  • Sanitize the rubbish bin once a week to get rid any smells and bacteria.

Now you know how to keep your kitchen clean. Use our tips to make your life easier and more fun.

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